Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Adventure Continues..........

Have you ever tried to wrap a gift that just wouldn't hear of it? A stuffed animal for example, arms and legs splayed out, ready for a human hug, and not willing to be contained or confined inside wrapping paper...Only a box would make the task more manageable, but who wants to be put into a box? None of us, I realize. And that's how I feel about our time in Thailand: a gift that is a challenge to pin down or define...a gift that won't be wrapped or boxed up. 
We have been here in the Gulf of Thailand for the last couple of months. The soft green lush of this small beach village is a wonderful deep breath, and the surrounding jungle feels like a protective mantle. And yet the sun is also a powerful force. We are in the tropics, after all.

I've been taking my morning meditation reverie walks on the beach earlier and earlier. And now, late April, the mist is clearing and dissolving into vast open skies where the sun reigns down. Ready or not, with temps around 100 F. and 150% humidity...Close to an hour after I've started my trek along the shore, my body is dripping wet in a shield of salty sweat.

The water is so very translucent, in spite of occasional bits of styrofoam and plastic rubbish and dead jellyfish that often drift in on the changing tides. Dipping in, dipping under feels like a baptism in the Mother Womb. Salty sacred beginnings that remind us that we humans are interconnected with all life-forms, above and below the water. It has been a most amazing healing time for both Matthew and I. Each of us on our own individual journeys that are powerfully aligned in synchronicity and true partnership. 
I have been resting in this tropical classroom of the elements: heat, water, air, earth, sky, with all the heart-beating beings my teachers, my guides.. And all I've had to do is show up. What a remarkable gift this is: allowing moments to unfold with my body's wisdom, my heart's knowing and my mind's nudge toward lucidity, showing me how to dance with Nature, my nature.

We face our imminent return to the States with some trepidation, and yet deep gratitude in the same breath. Like all of us, we are unsure of our future. But we have found a new “home” here, which encourages us to trust in the not-knowing, allowing our lives to unfold as they will, and greet the next steps as the adventure continues...

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