Friday, March 22, 2019

Two And A Half Years Later.............

We're on the verge, it seems, of the next major leap, or change, or book, as Nancy originally named it, of our lives. We've been talking about the meaning of this next stage, in political/personal, spiritual, and ecological terms. Some things are becoming more clearly imagined. Family. Our impact on the planet. Logical next steps in our lifestyle, given our last 28 years of living off grid, of pioneering a piece of raw, inhospitable, rugged, harsh New Mexico land, of having taken a nearly 4 year break from living in the house we built, of spending significant time in Asia; given that we will return very soon to this house and land in order to sell it and begin that next new book of our lives.

The thought that we may not return to Asia later this year, as has been our recent habit. The idea that we may instead remain in the States, in the Van RV we're planning to live in, and see what it's like to do that, and to not travel by air so far, and to settle in, after some fashion, to a new way of life. A way of life that is consistent with our way of life to date, and even, I affirm, a next logical evolutionary leap in our way of living.

Since we are indeed destroying our planet, and leaving a legacy of despair and difficulty to our children and grandchildren (Nancy remains more hopeful than I tend to be about this, believing that the infinite creative potential of humanity may still offer as yet unknown positive possibilities......) then what can we do, that is, what can Nancy and I do that is within the scope of making sense for ourselves, that will be consistent with the magnitude of the losses and changes we are painfully aware of? The way of life we are imagining next for ourselves, that of living nomadically in a rather small vehicle, makes a great deal of sense for us. We both wish to live more and more consistently with our renunciate selves, while appreciating that this choice has not only concrete implications in and for the material world, but that it has also potently symbolic and ritual meaning for the psyche and soul especially of our American countrymen. What statement do we wish to make with how we choose to continue to live on Earth, now, in Her decline, and in our individual ever more assured declines?

Simplify, simplify, simplify, has been one of my mantras these last few years, increasing in volume and intensity with each passing year that we have lived so simply, and comfortably, and minimally in the world, and have not felt or been deprived, and have enjoyed ourselves, and have been healthy and creative and compassionate. In other words, we haven't sacrificed anything of value in order to do this, but instead have increased our appreciation of the value and quality of our lives. We wish to continue this development, and we believe that downsizing even further in what we call our home is the best way that we can now do this. My wish, or one of them at this point, is to be houseless, but not homeless. (Nancy says that this move into a more minimal living arrangement is still a bit of an experiment for her. No way to know now where exactly it will lead).

Personally, I do not want the responsibilities (one could say the entrapments) of house ownership, or the expenses, or the energy consumption demanded by it, or the wasted – for me – thinking and imagination required by it. I don't need it to ground me, or to define me, or to shelter me, or to perform any function at all for me, and so I wish to be free of it.

I don't want to consume more and more of anything. I rather wish to consume as little as possible to keep me comfortable (by my own definition), safe and nimble, and thereby continue my personal revolution of transformation of the consumerist mentality now more universally embraced around the world. When the Idiot Bush 2 told us all to go shopping after 9/11, he actually knew precisely what he was talking about, in order to facilitate the endless rapacious expansion of American, and now global consumerism, the very heart and blood of the endless wealth expansion of the 1%, and perhaps the most fundamental enemy of the Earth and of life on Her. Much more so, I suggest, than the often touted over population “issue”. I maintain that there are more than enough resources on Earth – or.....there were? - to sustain the entirity of Her populations, but that the insanely misguided mismanagement of these resources may be the single ecological issue underlying all others. To put it simply, but in much less fashionable terms, greed. And the corollary of more and more, and insatiable, desires. Which of course become imagined needs. Blah blah blah.

We intend to move forward into greater simplicity and into the greater expression of native intelligence and common sense. I'm grateful that we are able to do this (well, it's a bit speculative at the moment, but not entirely unprecedented; we shall see), as clearly not everyone is. We apparently need to remain out of the box even in the latter/final stage of life. And why be surprised by this?

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